YUE RongXian

发布日期: 2017-12-15  作者:    浏览次数: 565 

YUE RongXian

(December, 2017)

College of Mathematics and Science

Shanghai Normal University

No.100 Guilin Rd. Shanghai, China, 200234

Phone: 021-64323819(O)

E-mail: yue2@shnu.edu.cn


08,199412,1997Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Ph.D., Statistics

Thesis: Applications of quasi-Monte Carlo methods in model-robust

response surface designs

08,198701,1990Southeast University, Nanjing, China

Master, Applied Mathematics (Statistics)

Thesis: Influential Analysis on Canonical Correlation Analysis

03,197801,1982Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, Nanjing, China

Bachelor, Mathematics

09,197306,1976Baita High School, Jintan Country, Jiangsu, China

Senior high school student

Work Experience

02,198207,1987Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, Nanjing

Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics

01,199007,1994Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, Nanjing

Lecturer in Mathematics

01,199806,1999East China Normal University, Shanghai

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Statistics

09,199802,1999Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Visiting researcher in Statistics

Collaboration with Prof. F.J. Hickernell

06,199912,2001Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai

Associate Professor in Statistics

01,2002present:Professor of Statistics, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai

01,200404,2004Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Visiting researcher in Statistics

Collaboration with Prof. F.J. Hickernell

06,200508,2005Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Visiting researcher in Statistics

Collaboration with Prof. F.J. Hickernell

09,200611,2006Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

Visiting researcher in Statistics

Collaboration with Prof. F.J. Hickernell

Professional Service

  • Associate Editor, Statistical Theory and Related Fields, 2017

  • Member, Editorial Board of Applied Probability and Statistics (Chinese)

  • Member, Editorial Board of Communication on Applied Mathematics and Computation (Chinese)


Professional Memberships

2016.11-present, Vice President, Committee of Uniform Design, Chinese Math Society.

2015.10-present, Vice President, Committee of Survival Analysis, CAAS.

2014.11-present, Vice President, Committee of Design of Experiments, CAAS.

2005.08-2009.08, Vice President, Chinese Association of Applied Statistics.


Research Interests

Design and analysis of experiments, Quasi-Monte Carlo method.



  • He Lei, Yue Rong-Xian (2017), R-optimal designs for multi-factor models with heteroscedastic errors, Metrika80, 717–732.

  • Yue Rong-Xian, Zhou Xiao-Dong (2017), Robust integer-valued designs for linear random intercept models, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, DOI:10.1080/03610926.2017.1373820

  • Liu Xin, Yue Rong-Xian, Xu Jin, Chatterjee K. (2016). Algorithmic construction of R-optimal designs for second-order response surface models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference178, 61-69.

  • Liu Xin, Yue Rong-Xian, Chatterjee K. (2015). Model-robust R-optimal designs in linear regression models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference167, 135-143.

  • Lu H., Yin P., Yue R.X. andShi J.Q. (2015). Robust confidence intervals for trend estimation in meta-analysis with publication bias. Journal of Applied Statistics 42(12), 2715-2733.

  • Zhou Xiao-Dong,Yue Rong-Xian (2015). Minimax designs for linear regression models with bias ina reproducing kernel Hilbert space in a discrete set. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ.30(3), 361-378. (SCIE)

  • Yue Rong-Xian, Liu Xin, Chatterjee Kashinath (2014). D-optimal designs for multiresponse linear models with a qualitative factor. Journal of Multivariate Analysis124, 57-69.

  • Liu Xin, Yue Rong-Xian,Chatterjee Kashinath (2014). A note on R-optimaldesigns for multi-factor models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,146, 139–144.

  • Liu Xin, Yue Rong-Xian,Chatterjee Kashinath (2014). R-optimal designs in random coefficient regression models.Statistics and Probability Letters, 88, 127-132.

  • Liu Xin, Yue Rong-Xian (2013). A note on R-optimal designs for multiresponse models. Metrika, 76, 483-493.(SCI)

  • Gu Bei-Qing Gu, Yue Rong-Xian (2013). Some Notes on Parameter Estimation for Generalized Exponential Distribution. Communications in StatisticsTheory and Methods, 42, 1787-1805. (SCI)

  • Cheng Jing, Yue Rong-Xian, Liu Xin (2013). Optimal Designs for Random Coefficient Regression Models with Heteroscedastic Errors.Communications in StatisticsTheory and Methods,42, 2798-2809.(SCI)

  • Cheng Jing,Yue Rong-Xian (2012). Optimal Designs in Random Intercept Model with Heteroscedastic Errors. Advances in Systems Science and Application, 12, 84-94.

  • H. Chootrakool,J. Q. Shiand R.X. Yue (2011), Meta-analysis and sensitivity analysis for multi-arm trials with selection bias, Statistics in Medicine,30, 1183-1198.

  • F. Zhao, R.X. Yue, H.X.Wang (2011), A Markov Risk Model with Two Classes of Insurance Business, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 29, 1102-1110.

  • Xin Liu, R.X. Yue, F.J. Hickernell (2011), Optimality criteria for multiresponse linear models based on predictive ellipsoids, Statistica Sinica 21(1), 421-432.

  • R.X. Yue, H. Qin, Chatterjee K.2011),Optimal U-type design forBayesian nonparametricmultiresponse prediction, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141(7), 24722479.

  • R.X. Yue, Xin Liu (2010), $I^r_L$ -optimal designs for a hierarchically ordered system of regression models, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54(12), 3458–3465.

  • R.X. Yue, Chatterjee K.2010), Bayesian U-type design for nonparametric response surface prediction. Metrika, 72(2), 219–231.

  • R.X. Yue, X.D. Zhou (2010), Bayesian robust designs for linear models with possible bias and correlated errors, Metrika, 71(1), 1–15.

  • X.D. Zhou, R.X. Yue (2010), Robust designs for models with possible bias andcorrelated errors, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 25(3),307-317.

  • R.X. Yue (2009), Model-Robust Design for Multiresponse Linear Model with Possible Bias, Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Vol.2, 572-576.

  • Xin Liu, R.X. Yue (2008), P-optimal robust designs for multiresponse approximately linear regression, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. 23,168-174.

  • R.X. Yue, Xin Liu (2008), Minimax Designs for Approximately Linear Multiresponse Models, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery , IEEE. 324-328.

  • R.X.Yue and F.J. Hickernell (2006), Strong Tractability of Quasi-Monte Carlo Quadrature Using Nets for Certain Banach SpacesSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,44, 2559-2583.

  • R.X.Yue and F.J. Hickernell (2005), Strong tractability of integration using scrambled Niederreiter points, Mathematics of Computation74, 1871-1893.

  • R.X. Yue (2005), Asymptotic Bayesian design for nonparametric multiresponse prediction, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 21,113-120.

  • R.X. Yue and J.W. Wu (2004), U-type and factorial designs for nonparametric Bayesian regression, Statistitics & Probability Letters V58, 369-379.

  • S. Heinrich, F.J. Hickernell and R.X. Yue (2004), Optimal quadrature for Haar wavelet spacesMathematics of ComputationV 73, 259-277

  • R.X. Yue (2004), Error anaysis for scrambled quasi-Monte Carlo quadrature, Observation,Theory and Modeling of Atmospheric Variability --World Scientific Series on Meteorology of East Asia V3, 582-588.

  • R.X. Yue (2003), Randomized error of scrambled net quadrature for tensor product Sobolev and Korobov spaces,Chines Journal of Applied Probability and StatisticsV19, 237-244.

  • R.X. Yue (2002), Model-robust designs in multireasponse situations, Statistitics & Probability Letters V58, 369-379

  • R.X. Yue and F.J. Hickernell (2002), Designs for smoothing anova models, Metrika V55, 161-176.

  • R.X. Yue and F.J. Hickernell (2002), The discrepancy and gain coefficients ofscrambled digital nets, Journal of Complexity V18, 135-151.

  • R.X. Yue (2002),Model-robust design for response surface in Rs ,Chines Journal of Applied Probability and StatisticsV18, 71-80.

  • S. Heinrich, F.J. Hickernell and R.X. Yue (2001),Integration of multivariate Haar wavelet series, Wavelet Analysis and Its ApplicationsSpringer-Verlag, New York.

  • R.X. Yue and F.J. Hickernell (2001),Integration and approximation based on scrambled sampling in arbitrary dimensions, Journal of Complexity, 17,881-897.

  • R.X. Yue (2001),A comparison of random and quasi-random points for nonparametricresponse surface design, Statistics & Probability Letters, 53, 129-142.

  • F.J. Hickernell and R.X. Yue (2000),The mean square discrepancy of scrambled (t,s)-sequences, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 38,1089-1112.

  • R.X. Yue and S.S. Mao (1999),On the variance of quadrature over scrambled nets and sequences, Statistics & Probability Letters, 44, 267-280.

  • R.X. Yue and F.J. Hickernell (1999),Robust designs for fitting linear models with misspecification,Statistica Sinica, 9, 1053-1069.

  • R.X. Yue (1999),Variance of quadrature Over scrambled unions of nets, Statistica Sinica, 9, 1053-1069.

  • R.X. Yue (1999)Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo – Scrambled (t,m,s)-nets and (t,s)-sequences,Chines Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 15, 213-221.

  • R.X. Yue (1998),Applications of quasi-Monte Carlo methods in model-robust response surface designs, Bulletin of the Hong Kong Mathematical Society, 2, 373-379.

  • F.J. Hickernell,R.X. Yue and F.S. Hickernell (1997), Statistical modeling for the optimal deposition of sputtered piezoelectric films, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics & Frequency Control , 44, 615-625.

  • R.X. Yue (1996),Local influence assessment based on local divergence in stochastic regression model,Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese UniversitiesB11 ,185-198.

  • R.X. Yue (1996)Assessment of local influence on estimates of coefficients in multiple regression models,Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition,16,247-250.



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