Probability and Stochastic Differential Equations: Motivations, Skills and Applications

发布日期: 2017-04-07  作者:    浏览次数: 262 

题目:Probability and Stochastic Differential Equations: Motivations, Skills and Applications
单位:Department of Mathematics and Statistics,   University of Strathclyde 
摘要:In this talk we will review the Newton calculus (1750s), the Kolmogorov probability theory (1930s),  Ito Calculus (1940s) and stochastic differential equations. Examples in games and finance are used to motivate these mathematical developments and their various applications.  The aim of this talk is to show that mathematics is not only wonderful but also very useful; it is more powerful along with computer science etc. and we can contribute very well to the society if we have skills in mathematics. 
时间:2017.04.11 下午3:30


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