Canonically fibered surfaces of general type

发布日期: 2020-06-18  作者:    浏览次数: 10 


报告题目: Canonically fibered surfaces of general type

报告人:     吕鑫    华东师范大学

报告摘要:The canonical map of a surface of general type is called fibered, if its canonical map induces a fibration. Beauville showed that the genus of such a fibration is bounded from above by $5$ when the geometric genus is large. Examples with the genus equal to $2$ or $3$ have been constructed. Xiao asked whether there exists a surface of general type with large geometric genus, whose canonical map is fibered of genus greater than $3$? In this talk, I will report such examples with the genus equal to $4$.

报告时间:    2020618日      上午 10:00-11:00

报告方式:腾讯会议, 会议号: 467 293 340




报告人简介:吕鑫  华东师范大学数学科学学院 教授,中组部青年****专家。在著名期刊 Compositio math., Math. Ann., Advance math., Transactions of AMS, JMPA, IMRN, Math. Zeit. 等上发表十余篇论文。

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